This document provides data for the changes in meat and poultry weight during cooking, as a result of moisture and fat loss. Data on cooking yield (as a % and for the % range, with n and SD), moisture change (as a %), and fat change (as a %) are provided for specific cuts of meat and poultry prepared in USDA research studies according to specific cooking protocols. The studies used for generating the data are described here.
Intake’s online resource library has been developed to provide easy access to grey literature and links to peer reviewed journal articles that are relevant to the collection, analysis, and use of dietary data in low- and middle-income countries. The library includes Intake technical reports and briefs, guidance documents, survey planning tools, and videos, as well as access to a curated set of publications and tools authored by others. Users should note that Intake's online resource library is still under development. Once completed, the resource library will be updated periodically.