This paper describes the steps that need to be considered to validate food photographs when estimating the amount of food consumed. Recommendations are provided on the characteristics and the number…
Nelson M, Haraldsdottir J
This guidance document describes the steps to be followed to adapt an existing dietary intake tool to collect information on biodiverse foods, and also provides recommendations for the development of…
FAO, Bioversity International
This excel file provides edible proportion for about 2900 foods. Edible refers to material remaining after the inedible waste (e.g., peel, pit, stone) has been trimmed away. These proportion are…
Public Health England
This website complements the USDA National Nutrient Database with nutrient composition and ingredient information for branded foods and private label data provided by the food industry.
This document, in French, provides data for a listing of foods on weight per household measure, portion, or unit; ‘partie comestible’ (edible portion); ‘facteur de reduction’ (reduction factor); ‘…
Conseil Supérieur d’Hygiène
This website provides access to an online database developed by the US National Agricultural Library to search for food composition data by food item, food group, or manufacturer name.
This website provides access to a directory of food composition databases. The directory is sponsored by the Steering Committee of the National Nutrient Databank Conference (NNDC) and has been…
National Nutrient Databank Conference
This Intake survey guidance document provides an overview of the main pre-survey tasks that should be considered as part of the planning, design, and budgeting process for large-scale quantitative 24…
Vossenaar M, Arimond M, Deitchler M, Lubowa A, Hotz C, Moursi M
This Guardian article discusses how unregulated advertising has contributed to a pervasive problem of junk food consumption among children globally.
Dehghan SK
This paper provide an overview of the state of large-scale food fortification in the world, with an emphasis on the gaps and challenges to the scaling-up of the fortification of staple foods to…
Darton-Hill I, Neufeld L, Vossenaar M, Osendarp S, Martinez H