Displaying 51 - 54 of 54

This systematic review aimed to identify studies that had been carried out to assess the dietary intake of populations in Africa over a ten-year period, and to summarize the methodologies used.
Vila-Real C, Pimenta-Martins A, Gomes AM, Pinto E, Main NH
This FAO and FANTA document provides guidance for the collection of the Minimum Dietary Diversity for WRA (MDD-W) indicator.  MDD-W is a dietary diversity indicator that has been shown to…
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FHI 360
These FAO/INFOODS guidelines developed describe an approach to food matching and the steps required.
Stadlmayr B, Wijesinha-Bettoni R, Haytowitz D, Rittenschober D, Cunningham J, Sobolewski R, Eisenwagen S, Baines J, Probst Y, Fitt E, Charrondiere UR
This paper describes a food classification system that is based on the level of processing of the food.  Foods are categorized into four groups: Group 1 - Unprocessed or minimally…
Monteiro CA, Cannon G, Levy RB, Moubarac J-C, Jaime P, Martins AP, Canella D, Louzada ML, Parra D