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This Intake publication provides guidance for the planning, data collection, and analysis work related to standard and non-standard recipe data in the context of quantitative 24-hour dietary recall…
Vossenaar M, Hotz C, Lubowa A, Deitchler M, Moursi M, Arsenault J, Colaiezzi B, Arimond M
This technical brief provides an overview of the Global Diet Quality Score (GDQS) - a new metric of diet quality validated for global use among non-pregnant non-lactating women of…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This Intake publication provides detailed technical guidance for how to collect, compile, and use portion size estimation method conversion factors in the context of a quantitative 24-hour dietary…
Vossenaar M, Hotz C, Arsenault J, Deitchler M, Moursi M, Lubowa A, Arimond M
This Intake survey guidance document discusses key considerations related to the selection, assignment, and use of portion size estimation methods in a quantitative 24-hour dietary…
Vossenaar M, Lubowa A, Hotz C, Deitchler M, Moursi M, Arimond M, Crispim SP, Arsenault J
This manual was developed as a tool for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting dietary data on intakes of iron and zinc.  The manual is divided into 11 chapters in the order required to plan,…
Gibson RS , Ferguson EL