This Intake publication provides guidance for the planning, data collection, and analysis work related to standard and non-standard recipe data in the context of quantitative 24-hour dietary recall…
Vossenaar M, Hotz C, Lubowa A, Deitchler M, Moursi M, Arsenault J, Colaiezzi B, Arimond M
This technical brief provides an overview of the Global Diet Quality Score (GDQS) - a new metric of diet quality validated for global use among non-pregnant non-lactating women of…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This article in the Sight and Life Special Report, "Nutrient Profiling: Designing a Healthier Future for Global Benefit" provides an overview of the Global Diet Quality Score (GDQS)…
Bromage S, Willett WC, Deitchler M
Intake has developed a beta version of an Intake4Earth App to provide a simplified method to collect quantitative dietary data and provide automated reporting on the environmental impact of diets.…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
Intake has developed a GDQS Toolkit to aid decision makers, government workers, innovators, researchers, and anyone working in public policy to better understand the importance of dietary…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This Intake publication provides detailed technical guidance for how to collect, compile, and use portion size estimation method conversion factors in the context of a quantitative 24-hour dietary…
Vossenaar M, Hotz C, Arsenault J, Deitchler M, Moursi M, Lubowa A, Arimond M
The objective of this Intake Survey Planning Tool is to assist survey planners with the development of a survey protocol for a quantitative 24-hour dietary recall survey in a low- or middle-…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This Intake Advocacy Note describes how country-specific quantitative 24-hour dietary data can be used to inform the evidence-based design of food-based fortification policy and programming…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This Intake Advocacy Note describes how country-specific quantitative 24-hour dietary data can be used in the development of food based-dietary guidelines to improve nutrition in low- and…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This Intake survey guidance document provides recommended specifications for dietary scales for use in quantitative 24-hour dietary recall surveys in low- and middle-income countries. …
Vossenaar M, Hotz C, Lubowa A, Ferguson E, Deitchler M