Displaying 21 - 25 of 25

This 200 page document includes an extensive food and recipe listing, and provides yield and weight change information for items included in the list after accounting for storage, preparation,…
Bergstrom L
This 100-page document provides data on weight yield factors as a result of different cooking methods for approximately 700 foods and dishes (see part 1 of the document).  Data are…
Bognar A
This document provides density data for a selection of foods and mixed dishes.
Charrondiere UR, Haytowitz D, Stadlmayr B
This Standards Tables of Food Composition in Japan provides data on "refuse" (i.e. waste or inedible portion) and on "yield", both presented as %, for the food items listed.  An accompanying…
Ministry of Education, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.
This 60-page document provides nutrient composition, weight, and volume data for an extensive listing of foods and mixed dishes commonly consumed in Canada.  Density data for…
Canada Ministry of Health