What's new

Here is where you can get up to date on Intake's most recent news and announcements.  We also provide links below to selected recent publications and news articles, and other noteworthy items and events relevant to the collection, analysis and use of dietary data. 

News & Announcements

Intake Survey Guidance Document: Facilitated Group Discussions for Dietary Pre-Survey Work in LMICs

July 20, 2020

This Intake Survey Guidance Document describes how to use Facilitated Group Discussions as a primary data collection method to help augment the Food, Recipe, and Ingredient List (FRIL) to be prepared in advance of a quantitative 24-hour dietary recall survey.  The Guide describes how to plan for, design, and carry out Facilitated Group Discussions in low- and middle-income country settings, and how to use the data collected to augment the…

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Intake Advocacy Note - Improving Nutrition through the Development of Food-Based Dietary Guidelines: The Need for Country-Specific Quantitative 24-Hour Dietary Recall Data

July 8, 2020

This Intake Advocacy Note describes how quantitative 24-hour dietary recall data can be used in the development of food-based dietary guidelines to improve nutrition in low- and middle-income countries.

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Intake Advocacy Note - Improving Nutrition through Food Fortification Policy and Programming: Ensuring an Evidence-Based Design with Country-Specific Quantitative 24-Hour Dietary Recall Data

July 8, 2020

This Intake Advocacy Note describes how country-specific quantitative 24-hour dietary data can be used in an evidenced-based approach to improve nutrition through the development of food fortification policy and programming in a low- or middle-income country.

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Diet Quality Metric Validation Results at ASN Nutrition 2020

June 1, 2020

Early results from a research initiative supported by Intake to advance the development and validation of a global metric of diet quality will be presented virtually at the ASN Nutrition 2020 conference this week. The abstracts and ePosters are available at the below links:

A Novel Food-Based Diet Quality Score Is Associated with Nutrient Adequacy and Reduced Anemia Among Rural Adults in Ten African Countries

Validation of a New Instrument for Assessing Diet Quality and Its Association with…

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Intake Survey Guidance Document: Routines and Procedures to Test the Accuracy and Precision of Digital Dietary Scales Used in Quantitative 24-Hour Dietary Recall Surveys

May 31, 2020

This Intake survey guidance document describes recommended routines and procedures for testing the precision and accuracy of digital dietary scales used throughout all phases of work for a quantitative 24-hour dietary recall survey.  Recommended specifications for dietary scales used in quantitative 24-hour dietary recall surveys in low- and middle income countries are described …

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