This article in the Sight and Life Special Report, "Nutrient Profiling: Designing a Healthier Future for Global Benefit" provides an overview of the Global Diet Quality Score (GDQS)…
Bromage S, Willett WC, Deitchler M
This joint FAO and Intake publication is the first ever Global report on the state of dietary data. The purpose of the report is to take stock and celebrate the collection and use of…
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
Intake has developed a beta version of an Intake4Earth App to provide a simplified method to collect quantitative dietary data and provide automated reporting on the environmental impact of diets.…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
Intake has developed a GDQS Toolkit to aid decision makers, government workers, innovators, researchers, and anyone working in public policy to better understand the importance of dietary…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This joint FAO and Intake publication is the first ever Global Report on the State of Dietary Data. The purpose of the report is to take stock and celebrate the collection and use of dietary…
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This Intake Advocacy Note describes how country-specific quantitative 24-hour dietary data can be used to inform the evidence-based design of food-based fortification policy and programming…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This Intake Advocacy Note describes how country-specific quantitative 24-hour dietary data can be used in the development of food based-dietary guidelines to improve nutrition in low- and…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This paper reports on the application of the World Health Organization's recommended procedures for establishing desirable fortificant levels for three problem micronutrients (calcium, iron, and zinc…
Gibbs MM, Carriquiry AL, Capanzana MV, Gibson RS
This paper describes the use of diet optimization on national dietary data collected in Brazil, to inform how best to improve the nutrient content of the diet of lower-income households, without…
Verly-Jr E, Sichieri R, Darmon N, Maillot M, Sarti FM
This paper describes the methodology used to develop food-based dietary guidelines and a Healthy Eating Index for use in Ethiopia, and a score to evaluate adherence to the Ethiopia food-based dietary…
Bekele TH, de Vries JJHM, Trijsburg L, Feskens E, Covic N, Kennedy G, Brouwer ID