This paper describes a new method for estimating free and added sugars in the collection and analysis of dietary data. The method involves five steps and can be applied to seven components of sugars…
Amoutzopoulos B, Steer T, Robert C, Code D, Collins D, Yu D, Hawes T, Abraham S, Nicholson S, Baker R, Page P
This FAO document provides analytical data on food diversity, with compositional data provided for 7941 foods and 490 components based on analytical data from primary sources.
This Intake dietary data video describes the nutrition situation in Mexico and how dietary data have been used to successfully advocate for and inform evidence-based food taxation policies in the…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This Intake dietary data video describes the nutrition situation in Mexico and how dietary data have been used to successfully advocate for and inform evidence-based food taxation policies in the…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This Intake dietary data video describes the nutrition situation in Mexico and how dietary data have been used to successfully advocate for and inform evidence-based food taxation policies in the…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This paper is an overview of different methods available to address the issue of misreporting. For each of the four methods presented, the paper provides a description as well as the associated…
Banna JC, McCrory MA, Fialkowski MK, Boushey C
This paper is an overview of issues and potential solutions related to misreporting (with a focus on underreporting). It provides a description of the characteristics of under-reporters and the…
Castro-Quezada I, Ruano-Rodriguez C, Ribas-Barba L, Serra-Majem L
This paper describes the revision and use of the Goldberg cut-offs in identifying energy misreporters. The paper provides practical recommendations for the use of these revised cut-offs such as the…
Black AE
This paper gives an overview of methods used to characterise overall diet: a priori methods, i.e., score based approaches (mainly based on dietary recommendations) and a posteriori methods, i.e.,…
Ocké MC
This paper describes the overall process of developing food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) for use in Ethiopia. Dietary data used in this process are from the National Food Consumption Survey…
Bekele TH, de Vries JJHM, Trijsburg L, Feskens E, Covic N, Kennedy G, Brouwer ID