Displaying 11 - 20 of 20

This article describes the current status of food fortification in the United States and provides a discussion of the value of fortification; the success of current fortification efforts; and the…
Dwyer JT, Woteki C, Bailey R, Britten P, Carriquiry AL, Gaine PC, Miller D, Moshfegh AJ, Murphy MM, Edge MS
This Intake dietary data video describes the nutrition situation in Mexico and how dietary data have been used to successfully advocate for and inform evidence-based food taxation policies in the…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This Intake dietary data video describes the nutrition situation in Mexico and how dietary data have been used to successfully advocate for and inform evidence-based food taxation policies in the…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This Intake dietary data video describes the nutrition situation in Mexico and how dietary data have been used to successfully advocate for and inform evidence-based food taxation policies in the…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This paper describes dietary intakes of Brazilian adolescents (12-17y). Energy and percentage of energy from macronutrients are based on a single quantitative 24HDR. The paper also reports…
Souza AdM, Barufaldi LA, Abreu GdeA, Giannini DT, de Oliveira CL, dos Santos MM, Leal VS, Vasconcelos FdeAG
This paper describes the overall process of developing food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) for use in Ethiopia. Dietary data used in this process are from the National Food Consumption Survey…
Bekele TH, de Vries JJHM, Trijsburg L, Feskens E, Covic N, Kennedy G, Brouwer ID
This paper is an inventory of current and available food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) across the world. This paper also compares the different food guides as well as the key messages in order to…
Herforth A, Arimond M, Alvarez-Sanchez C, Coates J, Christianson K, Muehlhoff E
This technical report describes the process of developing food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs). One of the steps in this process is to gather information on individual food consumption patterns.…
This report describes the importance of food consumption surveys as analytical tools in food and nutrition policy and programme design, and in the targeting and monitoring of…
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
This document provides guidelines to assist countries in the design and implementation of appropriate food fortification programs.
Allen L, de Benoist B, Dary O, Hurrell R