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Here is where you can get up to date on Intake's most recent news and announcements.  We also provide links below to selected recent publications and news articles, and other noteworthy items and events relevant to the collection, analysis and use of dietary data. 

News & Announcements

DHS Questionnaire to Collect Data on Food Group Consumption among Women 15-49 Years

October 16, 2019

The DHS Model Questionnaire - Phase 8 is now available. The new questionnaire will collect data on food group consumption among women 15-49 years, based on self-report for one 24-hour reference period. The data collected will allow for tabulation of the Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women (MDD-W) indicator and will also allow for assessing the proportion of women who report consumption various "healthy" and "unhealthy" food groups, based on…

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